Sungai indus terletak di wilayah
pakistan. Sungai indus memiliki banyak anak sungai yang berasal dari wilayah
punjab, pakistan utara.Punjab artinya daerah aliran 5 sungai. Sungai indus
mengalir dari pakistan dan bermuara di laut arab
Pendukung peradaban lembah sungai
indus adalah bangsa dravida, yang bercirikan berkulit hitam, berambut kriting,
dan berhidung pesek.
Bangsa dravida meninggalkan daerah
mereka yang subur karena desakan dari bangsa aria pada tahun 1500 sebelum masehi.
Peradaban lembah sungai indus
dapat ditemukan di 2 daerah, yaitu harappa dan mahenjo daro.
Berdasarkan pada penemuan yang
diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa peradaban lembah sungai indus telah maju..
Beberapa penemuan hasil peradaban
lembah sungai indus seperti:
Kota harappa dan mahenjo daro
Merupakan kota yang dibangun berdasarkan pada struktur kota
yang baik. Jalan-jalan dibuat lurus, dan di kanan kirinya terdapat parit.
Bangunan umum
Seperti pasar, kuil, dan istana yang terbuat dari batu
Benda purba
Berbentuk lempengan dan hewan seperti gajah, badak,
harimau, sapi dan badak ada juga yang berbentuk pohon yang dibawahnya terdapat
tulisan yang belum diketahui maksudnya, namun diyakini bahwa antara tulisan dan
gambar ada hubungannya.
Pada tahun 1500 sebelum masehi,
peradaban lembah sungai indus mengalami keruntuhan akibat adanya banjir dan
serangan dari bangsa aria.
Indus river valley civilization
• River is located in the indus pakistan. Indus river has many tributaries coming from the punjab, pakistan utara.Punjab means five river basins. Indus river flows from pakistan and empties into the Arabian sea
• Supporting indus river valley civilization was Dravidian nation, which is characterized by dark-skinned, curly haired and flat-nosed.
• The Dravidian leave their fertile areas because of the insistence of the aria in the year 1500 BC.
• indus river valley civilization can be found in two areas, namely mahenjo daro and Harappa.
• Based on the findings obtained can be concluded that the indus river valley civilization has advanced ..
• Some of the discovery results indus river valley civilization such as:
a. Daro and Harappa city mahenjo
Is a city that was built based on the structure of a good city. The streets are made straight, and there are ditches on either side.
b. public buildings
Such as markets, temples and palaces made of brick.
c. ancient objects
Shaped plate, and animals such as elephants, rhinos, tigers, rhinoceros cow and there is also a form of the tree under which it says an unknown point, but it is believed that between writing and drawing something to do.
• In the year 1500 BC, indus river valley civilization collapsed due to flooding and attacks of the aria.
• River is located in the indus pakistan. Indus river has many tributaries coming from the punjab, pakistan utara.Punjab means five river basins. Indus river flows from pakistan and empties into the Arabian sea
• Supporting indus river valley civilization was Dravidian nation, which is characterized by dark-skinned, curly haired and flat-nosed.
• The Dravidian leave their fertile areas because of the insistence of the aria in the year 1500 BC.
• indus river valley civilization can be found in two areas, namely mahenjo daro and Harappa.
• Based on the findings obtained can be concluded that the indus river valley civilization has advanced ..
• Some of the discovery results indus river valley civilization such as:
a. Daro and Harappa city mahenjo
Is a city that was built based on the structure of a good city. The streets are made straight, and there are ditches on either side.
b. public buildings
Such as markets, temples and palaces made of brick.
c. ancient objects
Shaped plate, and animals such as elephants, rhinos, tigers, rhinoceros cow and there is also a form of the tree under which it says an unknown point, but it is believed that between writing and drawing something to do.
• In the year 1500 BC, indus river valley civilization collapsed due to flooding and attacks of the aria.
gak lengkaaapp -_- info Paan nih :3 uuuu lulu